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10 Effective Tips to Keep Your Kidney Healthy Forever

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Maintain peak kidney health naturally with our 10 easy-to-follow tips.

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Our kidneys are important organs of our body. Moreover, this critical organ performs the most essential activities including waste filtration, vitamin D activation, blood pressure and blood sugar regulation. Therefore, we must know how to keep our kidneys healthy and improve kidney functions.

Following kidney health tips can go a long way to keep your kidneys healthy. Therefore, adopting small changes can make a difference to your kidney health. This blog explores 10 effective tips to keep your kidney healthy forever. So, let us delve into some ways we can keep our kidneys healthy.

Kidney Functions and Importance of Healthy Kidneys      

Our kidneys perform several key functions in our body. Therefore, keeping the kidneys healthy is important. The important functions of kidneys include:

Waste Filtration

Kidneys have millions of filtering units, called nephrons. Further, the nephrons are made of glomerulus and tubules. The glomerulus filters the blood, and the tubule reabsorbs the important substances from the filtered solution.

Fluid Balance

The kidneys follow a process called osmoregulation to regulate fluid balance. Consequently, the kidneys do this by adjusting the quantity and concentration of urine present.

Blood Pressure Regulation

Kidneys secrete a hormone called renin which regulates blood pressure. Consequently, when we have low blood pressure, kidneys secrete renin. Renin helps to constrict the blood vessels. Thus increasing blood pressure.

Red Blood Cell Production

The kidneys secrete a hormone erythropoietin which assists in the formation of Red blood cells in the bone marrow. 

Vitamin D Activation

Vitamin D, essential for good health needs sunlight to be synthesised or administered as a supplement. However, it is in an inactive form. Therefore, the kidneys come into action by helping to convert inactive vitamin D. Here, the enzyme, 1-alpha hydroxylase, present in the kidney, helps to convert the inactive form of vitamin D into active form.

Acid-Base Balance

The kidneys maintain a fine balance between the reabsorption of bicarbonate ions and the excretion of hydrogen ions. Consequently, they regulate the acid-base balance.


The kidney acts as a detoxifier in the body by screening and filtering the toxins out of it. The process includes glomerular filtration, active processes, and passive diffusion.

Electrolyte Balance

Kidneys, maintain electrolyte balance by regulating various substances, such as sodium, potassium, and calcium.

Blood Sugar Regulation

The kidneys help maintain optimal blood sugar levels through the excretion of glucose from the circulation, reabsorption of glucose from the glomerular filtrate, and formation of glucose through gluconeogenesis.

10 Essential Tips to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

Kidney health is vital for overall wellness and longevity. Also, healthy habits can ensure your kidneys remain healthy and functional. However, for personalised kidney health advice, consult with a nephrologist. Here are nephrologist-suggested ten essential tips to keep your kidneys in top shape:

#1 Eating Lots of Fruit and Veg

Our health largely rests on a balanced diet which can help to keep your blood pressure and cholesterol at a healthy level. Consequently, lowering your risk of kidney disease. Doctors recommend eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Also, one should include starchy foods like potatoes, dairy or dairy alternatives, and proteins in the form of beans, legumes, eggs, fish or meat.

Adopting DASH or the Mediterranean diet is best for both kidney and heart health!

#2 Avoid Smoking

Smokers are more likely to develop kidney failure. Moreover, smoking raises heart rate and blood pressure. Also, smoking creates fatty deposits in the blood vessels leading to blood clot formation. Therefore, quitting smoking helps reduce all these risks and keeps kidneys healthy,

#3 Slashing the Salt in your Diet

Taking a high-salt diet leads to high blood pressure, which ultimately leads to kidney disease including kidney stones, too. Nephrologists suggest that the first step to cutting the salt is to choose foods that are low in sodium. Therefore, reducing processed meat, condiments, fried foods, chips and crackers helps. While eating out avoid extra salty dishes.

Also, check labels for salt content and choose lower salt options. Additionally, control your urge to snack on chips by snacking on fruit and salad.

#4 Drinking Alcohol in Moderation

Drinking too much raises blood pressure and cholesterol. These factors in kidney disease. Therefore, consciously reduce your alcohol intake 

#5 Avoiding Over-the-Counter Painkillers

Popping painkillers for any reason regularly can damage your kidneys. Therefore, avoid over-the-counter ones like aspirin and ibuprofen, which are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. Moreover, always stick to your doctor’s advice 

to use these medicines occasionally and take them exactly as prescribed.

#6 Moving More

An active lifestyle may help your kidneys. Therefore, take up walking, cycling, dancing and gardening. Also, 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of more vigorous activity can make a healthy difference.

Moreover, you can keep a check on high blood pressure and diabetes – the top causes of kidney disease by at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days. If you are not an exercise person, focus on activities that you enjoy and look forward to. 

It may be a regular walk in the evenings or gardening. 

#7 Cutting Down on Sugar

Sugar is not only damaging to kidneys but it also leads to weight gain. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight can reduce your chances of affecting your kidneys, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

So, keep an eye on the ‘free sugars’ in your diet that you need to reduce. Try to reduce the intake of sugar added to food in any form, including table sugar, honey and syrup. While shopping for food items, choose unsweetened or low-sugar versions of food. 

#8 Staying Hydrated

Drinking enough water or fluids helps your body function better. Therefore, keep yourself hydrated to flush out crystals that can form kidney stones. Staying hydrated also flashes out bacteria linked with urinary tract infections (UTIs). Moreover. dehydration often leads to kidney damage.  

You should aim to take six to eight glasses a day including Fizzy water, tea, coffee, herbal and fruit teas and lower-fat milk.

#9 Making Time for Sleep

Skipping sleep or getting less sleep a night may have a direct impact on kidney function. Our sleep-wake cycle has a direct bearing on regulating the kidneys’ function. Therefore, so poor sleep may impact their ability to do their job.

We need seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Therefore, if you have trouble getting a good night’s rest, it is better to check your sleeping habits and environment. The nephrologist suggests avoiding drinking coffee, tea or alcohol. Also, try to relax before going to bed. 

#10 ​Keep An Eye On Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is the #1 cause of CKD. Therefore, controlling your blood pressure is key to keeping your kidneys healthy. Make it a habit of checking your blood pressure at home. It is good to maintain a log of your blood pressure readings to bring to your doctor. Also, emotional stress and high blood pressure go hand in hand.

Practising mindfulness is a good way to prevent stress.


Taking care of your kidneys is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. By following these ten effective kidney health tips, you can ensure that your kidneys remain healthy and function optimally for years to come. 

For personalised advice and expert nephrological care, consult Dr Gayatri Pegu Bora at Apollo Clinic Ulubari. Dr Bora’s expertise in nephrology can help you adopt the best practices for kidney health tailored to your unique needs.

Don’t wait—schedule your consultation today and take a proactive step towards a healthier future. Call Apollo Clinic, Ulubari at +91 9085612000 now to book your appointment!

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