Epilepsy, which affects about 50 million people worldwide, is a chronic brain condition occurring to many people. Fortunately, it is not communic...
How to prevent heart disease? Recommended by Cardiologists !
Ever thought of how to prevent heart disease ? then this article is for you, today we  live in an era where our bodies are prone to so many disea...
Headache: Is it a symptoms of brain tumour?
Are headaches really a symptoms of brain tumour ? Most of us have headaches that are quite common and sometimes we even tend to ignore them. Howe...
Diabetic Nephropathy: How it harms your Kidneys
Diabetic Nephropathy Diabetes is something which affects almost all those people who tend to have a sedentary lifestyle. Most of the people tend ...
UTI in Women – How to Recognize and Treat it?
Urinary tract infections are one of the most common causes for visits to the doctor, especially so for women as they are more prone to the infect...
Symptoms of kidney problems! What are They?
Kidney problems: Symptoms to watch out Many people suffer from undetected kidney problems. Also, Kidney problems and symptoms can be wrongly dia...
Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s You May Have Observed
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are very closely related, with the highest number of patients well past the age of 75; although, for many, it ca...
Erectile Dysfunction – Is It a Warning Sign of Heart Disease?
what is erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a problem with achieving or maintaining an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual ...
Health Check Up Packages
APOLLO HEALTH CHECKUP PACKAGES Apollo health check up Festival brings you a variety of Health Screening Packages with upt...
How Do Fruits Benefit Human Body
Benefits of fruits to humans Haven’t we all been told at some point to eat our fruits and vegetables? And I will be shocked if you haven’t been t...