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Apollo covid test at home

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Apollo’s guide on how to correctly do an at-home COVID-19 rapid antigen test. Apollo covid test at home can be done by yourself or by a trained professional.

Rapid antigen testing for COVID-19 is available for purchase at supermarkets and pharmacies nationwide. Using a quick antigen test allows you to obtain results considerably faster than traditional PCR procedures, which is the one we are most familiar with. The polymerase chain reaction or PCR test identifies the virus’s genetic material. Also, only capable health workers collect PCR samples. Additionally, these are then taken for procedures in the lab by technicians. It takes up to two days to get a result. Rapid antigen testing, which provides findings in 15-20 minutes, is handy. Also, it can be done by any competent person. Along with vaccination, masking, hand washing, and social distancing, self-testing is a key strategy in efforts to control the spread of coronavirus.


It is important to do the Apollo covid test at home correctly in order to get the most correct outcome.

A step-by-step approach to doing an at-home examination Rapid antigen test for COVID-19:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 30 seconds with warm water and soap.
  2. The package includes two tests. In this test you will find three major components: a collecting swab, a test strip, and a tiny vial of liquid. Place all of them on a clean surface.
  3. The collecting swab must be put into each nostril and rotated five times against the inner wall. Insert the swab 12 to 34 of an inch into the nostrils, which might feel uncomfortable. After this, you must return the swab to its original package. Also, it will be necessary again.
  4. Rub the bottom of the vial of liquid three times on a hard surface.
  5. Open the big top, place your swab into the vial, and stir 15 times.
  6. On drawing the swab out, squeeze the edges of the bottle against it. “This is an important step because it guarantees that you acquire every last item of the collection,” Alvarado explained. Then replace the vial’s cap.
  7. Remove the test strip. “You’ll see it contains both a “C” and a “T,” Alvarado explained.
  8. Open the smaller, top cap on the liquid vial, and then squeeze three drops of your sample onto the strip’s collection area.
  9. Set a 15-minute timer and do not touch the test strip while it’s running.
  10. Take a reading of the test.

The correct way to interpret your Apollo covid test at-home kit results:

  1. A line under the control letter “C” indicates that the exam is successful. No line under the letter C means you will need to redo the test.
  2. If there is no line in the region under the “T,” or test portion, it is negative for COVID-19. If a line appears under the “T,” the test is positive for COVID. Even a faint line under “T” means the test is positive.

For all the ease of Rapid Antigen tests, RT-PCR tests are still more reliable than rapid antigen tests. If you have COVID-19, your chances of receiving a false positive or false negative on this test are greater than if you don’t. Rapid antigen testing will be more accurate if you have symptoms or are within seven days of a probable exposure. For accurate testing, get an Apollo covid test at home.

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