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Apollo full body checkup benefits

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Apollo full body checkup

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What is Apollo’s full body checkup?

Scheduling a yearly full-body exam is not always a person’s top priority. Also, most people frequently put off thinking about their body’s health until they find themselves to be severely ill. However, it is important to keep a timeline of your body’s status quo by scheduling at least one full-body checkup a year. So, pay attention to your body by remaining up-to-date with your body, its requirements, any lifestyle changes to be made, and other relevant information. 

Among others, an Apollo Full Body Checkup is a reliable way to have a reflection on a person’s lifestyle. Also, management of his or her quality of life. Therefore, obtain a practical assessment of your health with Apollo’s full body checkup. It is imperative to eliminate the possibility of any diseases sneaking up on the inside, even though you may appear perfectly fine on the outside. Additionally, it is of the utmost priority to know how your health is related to your body’s primary systems.

What the checkup includes ?

A full-body examination, which is essentially a complete review or diagnostic scan of the entire body, is a crucial component of preventative healthcare.

The Whole Body Check is a comprehensive health checkup package that aids in the overall evaluation of all the body’s organs and systems. It includes blood sugar, the heart, the liver, and the thyroid, as well as consultations with a doctor and a dentist. The Whole Body Health Check is recommended for anyone looking for a thorough investigation of the body’s major systems and for people eager to take control of their health.

Apollo Full Body Check-Up Package includes:

  • Sugar Assessment: Blood Sugar Fasting, Blood Sugar PP, HbA1c
  • Complete Blood Count: Hemoglobin (Hb%), PCV, RBC, TLC, DLC, ESR, WBC, MCV, MCHC, Platelet Count
  • Heart Assessment: Cholesterol, Triglycerides, VLDL, HDL, LDL, Cholesterol Ratio, ECG, Echo, TMT
  • Liver Assessment: Total Bilirubin, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline Phosphates, BT, CT, PT INR
  • Kidney Assessment: Creatinine, Urea, Uric Acid, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Phosphorus, Total Protein
  • Thyroid Assessment: TSH, T3, T4
  • Other Tests: Blood Grouping, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, HBsAg, Stool R/E, USG Whole Abdomen, X-Ray Chest PA
  • PSA/Pap Smear (Female), PFT, Urine R/E
  • Doctor’s Consultation with Physician & Dentist
  •  Total Package Price Rs. 19260/- Offer Price Rs. 12500/-

How does the  Apollo Full Body Checkup help you?

  • To get a better understanding of our health and whether we are in good shape.
  • Regular checkups can help you detect health issues early and to manage them.
  • Apollo full body checkups can help you detect health issues and diseases before they become symptomatic.
  • Regular checkups can keep you healthy and help prevent problems down the road.
  • A full body checkup can help prevent a condition from becoming serious, saving a lot of money in the future.
  • Regular full-body exams can aid in detecting the progression of hereditary health concerns. Therefore, help in their effective management.
  •  Everyone over 35 years old should have a complete health checkup. A full body check is essential in serious diseases, like cancer. Also, where an early diagnosis could help us to prevent or manage the disease and improve the patient’s life expectancy. A complete body assessment is essential in cases of pre-existing diseases, a family history of illness, or an unhealthy lifestyle. 
  • Since our fast-paced lifestyles are making us very stressed and tense. We are all at risk for developing stress-related health conditions. The high incidence of stress-induced health problems has resulted in a very high-stress level in people.  

Sometimes a doctor may recommend additional tests like x-rays or CT scans in order to help diagnose a problem.

People often dread going to the doctor, but it’s worth considering preventive care instead of going when symptoms appear. Also, this is better in the long run because preventative care can save people from more expenses. A nominal amount paid to get a full body checkup can help deal with a condition before it becomes serious. Thereby preventing much bigger bills later. Regular Apollo full body checkups can help detect the progression of such issues and help with proper management.

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