You might have just finished eating one of your best meals in a long time. Within a few minutes, you’d have started feeling an unpleasant burning sensation around the upper chest. You wake up in the middle of the night and find your mouth bitter, and you are almost having a persistent cough that doesn’t want to go away. These two symptoms sound so confounding: “You are one among millions.” Acid reflux, an often understated and ubiquitous condition, is one among them. Occasional heartburn could have been a minor nuisance, but chronic acid reflux could cause havoc with your daily routines, depriving you of your sleep, or even leading to more serious health consequences with time.
While to some individuals it is evident because the major symptoms consist of scorching pain in the chest and frequent bursting, some are left with sensations that are quiet forms of acid reflux called Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR). This refers to the type, which does not cause the sensation of heartburn but leads to chronic throat irritation, hoarseness, persistent postnasal drainage, and trouble swallowing. Just like that, most people don’t even have an accurate idea regarding their discomfort with acid reflux.
Great news? Acid reflux isn’t supposed to be with you forever. Knowing its causes, recognizing even the smallest signs of symptoms in the early stages, and making some right lifestyle changes will put you firmly in control of reflux and save it from taking control of you. From this blog, we will go deep into what causes acid reflux, warning signs indicating that you should not ignore it, and all the best ways to manage and even combat it so you can have wonderful meals without that awful burn at the back.
What Causes Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux is the medical term for gastroesophageal reflux, which can be defined as the backward flow of acidic content from the stomach back into the esophagus that leads to irritation and pain. This is mostly caused by a weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle valve which opens for the easy passage of food from the esophagus to the stomach. The purpose of LES is to prevent the acidic content of the stomach from moving into the esophagus from the lower regions of the stomach. An oversight in the maintenance of the integrity of LES or an unintentional relaxation of LES brings acidic content back into the esophagus causing symptoms like heartburn.
Among the most prominent ones, dietary habits, obesity, postural malpractices, smoking, alcohol, stress, and medications that can impair the normal function of the LES and open it up to acid reflux are considered major contributors. Short notes for each of the factors will follow.
1. Diet
Some of the food items that tend to relax the lower esophageal sphincter or stimulate the secretion of stomach acid are stakeholders in acid reflux. Here are the most common dietary aggressors that one usually encounters:
- Spicy Foods: The spices irritate the lining of the esophagus; e.g., chili, black pepper, hot sauce.Â
- Fried & Fatty Foods: These types of foods are high fat and take a longer time for digestion and emptying, hence the posed risk for reflux.
- Citrus Fruits & Juices: Oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit especially are very acidic fruits that can further aggravate reflux symptoms.
- Tomato & Tomato-Based Products-very highly acidic tomatoes in products such as ketchup, sauces, and soups cause heartburn.
- Chocolate – Contains caffeine and theobromine, both of which relax the LES so that the acid is allowed to pass into the esophagus.
- Caffeinated & Carbonated Beverages- Soda, coffee, tea, and energy drinks that stimulate the formation of acidity in the stomach and trigger its reflux.Â
2. Eating Habits
Improper eating habits add to the sum of acid reflux. Other similar factors are:
- Eating Large Meals – Filling up the stomach will cause pressure on the sphincter, allowing easy passage of acid.
- Lying Down After Eating – When a person lies on his back, gravity does not do the work of holding the acid inside the stomach; thus, it would be easy to provoke reflux.
- Eating Late Night – It gives less time to digest the food in the stomach before letting the patient lies down.Â
3. Obesity and Posture
- Excess Weight: With added pounds around the middle section, weight exerts excess pressure on the stomach, pushing acid into the esophagus and creating frequent reflux attacks.Â
- Bad Posture: Slouching in a chai,r especially after eating is a cause of pressure in the stomach leading to acid reflux.
4. Smoking and Drinking
- Smoking – Nicotine acts as an immunosuppressant for the LES and permits acid reflux into the esophagus. Salivary production, which in other terms neutralizes stomach acidity, is reduced in smoking.
- Alcohol- Outright, it relaxes LES and boosts stomach acid production, thus likely reflux of such spirits. Other known spirits are red wine, beer, and liquors.
5. Stress & Drugs
- Very High Levels of Stress – Not a direct cause of acid reflux, but does paragraph symptoms through increased pain sensitivity and altered digestive regimens. It also causes an unhealthy food consumption pattern that exacerbates reflux.Â
- Certain Drugs – Certain drugs could weaken the lower esophageal sphincter or affect the esophagus.Â
- Painkillers: – Like NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin irritate the stomach lining and aggravate acid reflux.Â
- Calcium channel blockers & Beta-blockers – They act like these drugs for hypertension, as they relax the lower esophageal sphincter.
- Antidepressants and Sedatives- Some of these affect the digestive system and lead to acid reflux.Â
- Hyperphosphatemic Agents (Bisphosphonates) in osteoporosis can give rise to heartburn and esophageal injury when they are taken improperly.
Signs & Symptoms of Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a condition manifesting itself in various signs and symptoms related to the esophagus from the backflow of stomach acids. Heartburn is the most classic symptom, but it occurs differently in every person and affects other body systems such as the respiratory or throat.
Therefore, let’s put everything together in the characteristics of acid reflux symptoms and signs:
1. There Is a Burning Sensation in Your Chest (Heartburn)
- The most prevailing and typical symptom of acid reflux is burning pains in the chest.Â
- Burning occurs generally after eating and usually worsens when lying down or bending over. The burning is due to the stomach acid that acts on the lining of the esophagus.Â
- Heartburn can mimic a heart attack, especially if it is very severe.Â
- Relief is often felt with antacids, and there is no felt pain radiating into the arms and shoulders, unlike a heart attack.
2. An Acid-Tasting Food or Liquid that Comes Up Again
- Regurgitation, for many acid reflux sufferers, is more focused on the feeling of food or liquid moving back up into the throat or mouth.Â
- This is usually attributed to the acid or bitterness of the regurgitated liquid, having been carried by its stomach contents along with it.Â
- It frequently occurs just after a meal or when lying down in bed at night.Â
- Halitosis and bad taste in a person’s mouth, combined with regurgitation, lead to chronic annoyance after a while.Â
3. Persistent Cough or Clearing Throat
- Some people would always have a nagging cough that could be associated with acid reflux to be of the non-cold and non-infection type.Â
- The throat and vocal cords become continuously inflamed as soon as the acid content of the stomach enters the orifices.Â
- The majority of acid reflux patients would feel as if they need to clear their throat most often in the morning and after meals.Â
- In some cases, the cough due to acid reflux can also be confused with asthma or allergies.
4. Persistent Sore Throat and Hoarseness
- Acid exposure repeatedly has been said to be abrasive to the throat lining, making it sore, scratchy, or even irritated.Â
- Hoarseness and changes in voice have also been reported as being part and parcel of acid reflux, especially among those who depend on voice use for their income (i.e., singers, teachers, and speakers).Â
- The cause of hoarseness is the acid irritating the vocal cords, causing swelling and inflammation.
5. Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia)Â
- The Feeling of Something Stuck in the Throat might even further lead to some degree of worsening dysphagia because of an acid reflux-related chronic inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis).Â
- In this way, a patient with acid reflux will also have a feeling that something is stuck in the throat or a tight feeling in the throat or chest.Â
- Over time acid can narrow the esophagus (esophageal stricture), making swallowing an even slower process.Â
- Ultimately, this symptom can lead to malnutrition or unintentional weight loss without treatment.
6. Bloat and Burp
- In those cases, acid reflux may be accompanied by excess gas in the stomach, causing it to become bloated and have frequent burps.Â
- Although there are many possible ways for gas to get trapped in the digestive system – for example, swallowing air while eating, drinking carbonated drinks, or just having a delayed stomach emptying – they are general scenarios. Â
- Bloating, during which some discomfort might be felt in the abdominal areas, can occur in the following circumstances: post-meal and per person.Â
Acid Reflux Has Other Possible SymptomsÂ
It has other possible symptoms in addition to the aforementioned ones, which may sometimes be the least common.
- Nausea or Vomiting; especially after eating or even in the morning.Â
- Hypersalivation- This excess quantity of saliva produced is the body’s defense mechanism for neutralizing stomach acid.Â
- Tooth erosion and bad breath- Frequent acid exposure destroys the tooth enamel and therefore may contribute to chronic bad breath (halitosis).
How to Stop Acid Reflux Before It Strikes
Making peace with lifestyle changes and healthy habits is an effective solution for the prevention and control of acid reflux. Moreover, making conscious decisions about food, eating habits, stress control, and wellness can eventually reduce the chance of someone being affected by acid reflux.
1. Make Diet Decisions Wisely
Certain foods increase stomach acidity or inhibit the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing acid reflux to occur. Avoidance of such foods might be the best investment towards a heartburn-free experience.
- Spicy foods: Any pepper is a spice that aggravates the esophagus, from chili to hot sauce.Â
- Fried and greasy: Slow digestion puts extra pressure on the stomach.
- Citrus: Orange, lemon, grapefruit, and lime add acidity.
- Tomatoes and tomato-based foods: Due to their acidity, they trigger reflux.
- Chocolate: Caffeine and theobromine relax LES.
- Beverages with caffeine: Coffee, tea, and soda stimulate acid.
- Carbonated soft drinks: Bloating leads to acid reflux.
- Alcohol: Relaxing LES and stimulating stomach acids.
Go for Alkaline & Acid-Neutralizing Foods
Alkaline foods that neutralize acidity in the stomach should be taken to avoid reflux:
- Bananas: Gentle on the stomach; they could coat the esophagus.Â
- Oatmeal: Rich in fiber; helps absorb excess acid in the stomach.Â
- Green vegetables: Reduces acidity-Broccoli, kale, spinach, and cucumbers.
- Lean proteins: Skinless poultry, fish, tofu, and egg whites for easy digestion.Â
- Whole grains: Brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread are good for digestion.Â
- Ginger: Naturally anti-inflammatory healer of the stomach.
Eat Smaller Yet More Frequent Meals
- Massive meals produce more stomach acid for digestion, thus aggravating reflux attacks. Instead of three heavy meals, prepare for five or six small ones throughout the day.Â
- This will help you avoid putting too much burden on your stomach and decrease pressure on the LES.
2. Keep Your Weight Under Control
Why Weight Matters?
Excess abdominal fat theoretically increases the tension on the stomach, forcing acids up into the esophagus. Clinically termed obesity can thereby become one big risk factor for chronic acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
- Weight Maintenance, in itself, must comprise a balanced diet made up of wholesome food taken in moderation, while the development of bad fat should be discouraged.
- Routine exercise should be insisted upon in some form-walking, jogging, or yoga.Â
- Â Late-night snacking has to be avoided, as the additional calories would contribute to fat and, thereby, increase acid reflux.
3. Last but not least, Improve Eating Habits
- Eat slowly. Chew food properly.Â
- Proper chewing breaks down food, thereby making it easy to digest. When you eat too fast, you tend to eat excess food and increase acid in the stomach.Â
- Put your fork down between bites where you can concentrate on using the freedom of choice to be present at the moment.Â
- Never lie down after eating. After eating, wait for 2 to 3 hours before you lie down or sleep. If you lie down too fast, stomach acid can reflux back into your esophagus. A little walk would help digestion after meals.Â
- Elevate Your Head While Sleeping. Reflux worsens when the acid lies flat at night.
- Wedge your pillow to hold your head at least 6 to 8 inches and adjust to the frame of the bed. This prevents your esophagus from canalizing acid into your mouth as you sleep.Â
4. Try to Reduce Stress
Stress increases the amount of stomach acid production, thereby contributing to the worsening of reflux-symptomatic complications.Â
- This causes habits like poor eating, fast eating, overeating, or the consumption of specific foods.Â
- Stress management techniques like Deep breathing exercises calm the nervous system.Â
- Meditation and mindfulness reduce stress or calm the nervous system and improve digestion. Up next, Yoga and stretching relieve tension and promote relaxation.Â
- Regular exercise physical activities, swimming, or cycling- will promote the release of endorphins causing stress to numb.Â
5. Stay Away from Smoking & Drinking Alcohol
How Nicotine Aggravates Acid Reflux?
- Nicotine tends to compromise the lower esophageal sphincter, thereby promoting acid reflux.Â
- It decreases salivation, which in turn neutralizes acids in the stomach. The more the irritation, the more acid production and the visible symptoms.Â
How Alcohol Affects Acid Reflux?
Alcohol relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), prompting reflux episodes. It stimulates acid production in the stomach and inflicts pain onto the esophagus lining. Lessening or halting the intake of beer wine or liquor might improve symptoms.Â
6. Stay Hydrated & Choose the Ideal Beverages
- Importance of Hydration: Water helps in diluting the stomach acid and providing assistance in digestion. Hydration prevents acid build-up and irritation in the esophagus.Â
- Beverages to Avoid: Not all drinks encourage acid reflux; they should be consumed in moderation or avoided altogether:Â
- Carbonated beverages cause bloating, which tends to create extra pressure on the stomach. Waiting another 30 minutes before reclining after drinking carbonated water will keep you free of bloating and acid reflux.Â
- Caffeine beverages, including coffee, black tea, and energy drinks, stimulate acid secretion.Â
- Alcohol relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and increases acidic stimulation.Â
- Friendly Beverages for Acid Reflux: Herbal teas tend to soothe the digestive tract, such as chamomile, licorice, and ginger tea.Â
- Low-fat or nut-based milk-Almond milk is alkaline and neutralizes acid.Â
- Aloe vera juice has natural anti-inflammatory properties which help soothe the esophagus.
When You Must Seek Medical Attention
If you suffer from heartburn and acid reflux more than two times within a week and the condition pierced for medical help yet keeps causing problems, you should see a specialist; untreated reflux inflames or ulcers the esophagus into serious diseases such as stricture in Barrett’s esophagus, wherein the risk of cancer becomes high.
- Constant recurrent heartburn and regurgitation (more than twice a week)
- Painful or difficult swallowing or the sense of having food stuck in the throat
- Unusual cough, sore throat, or hoarseness
- Weight loss and/or appetite without apparent reason
- Severe chest pain or pressure (could be interpreted as a heart attack).
- Blackened or bloody vomits (evident signs point to red internal bleeding).
Acid reflux is one of the most common, yet manageable, conditions. By setting an intelligent diet, maintaining proper weight, reducing stress, and avoiding smoking and alcohol, you can almost eliminate the chance of having an episode of acid reflux. However, if symptoms persist even after an effort toward lifestyle changes and if they appear often, it is vital to see a doctor. Ignoring any kind of reflux can result in complications, some of which may become life-threatening, such as esophageal ulcers, strictures, and Barrett’s esophagus, which is a potentially serious risk factor for the development of esophageal cancer.
That said, early detection and management will help prevent issues in the long run and improve your quality of life. So start doing something about it: Don’t let acid reflux ruin your quality of life!

Dr. Mayank Agarwal
Experience : 12+ years
For Expert consultation and treatment, visit Apollo Clinic, Guwahati or Call today at +91-9085612000 to book an appointment!