Expert Heart Care From the Best Cardiologists in Guwahati

Apollo Clinic Ulubari team clearly understands that heart health is paramount. Our highly qualified and experienced team of the best cardiologist doctors in Guwahati is dedicated to providing the highest quality care to address your specific needs. Apollo Clinic Ulubari Guwahati cardiologists focus on advanced treatment plans using state-of-the-art technology and utmost commitment to helping you achieve optimal heart health.

Dr Chandra Prakash Thakur

MBBS: Gauhati Medical College& Hospital
MD (INTERNAL MEDICINE): Silchar Medical College & Hospital
DM (CARDIOLOGY): All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur


MBBS (Gau) Hons. Gold medalist MD (Dib), D.Card.(Cal) FCCP (Ind)

Apollo Clinic Ulubari Guwahati: Your Heart Health Partner

Experience World-Class Cardiology Care at Apollo Clinic Ulubari Guwahati.

Apollo Clinic Ulubari Cardiology Department offers the latest range of heart surgeries and heart care treatments for any cardiac conditions. Apollo hospital Guwahati cardiologists team is dedicated to providing the highest quality care, applying innovative techniques and utilizing state-of-the-art technology available today.

Key Cardiology Surgeries and Treatments Available:

Why Take Apollo Guwahati Appointment for Cardiology Care?

Frequently Asked Questions for Cardiologists in Guwahati

What are the different types of cardiac surgeons?

Cardiothoracic surgeons and congenital/pediatric heart surgeons are the two categories of cardiac surgeons. You must understand that cardiothoracic surgeons specialize in surgeries on organs and tissues in the chest, including the heart, lungs, esophagus, and major blood vessels. While congenital/pediatric heart surgeons specialise on repairing structural defects or anomalies present at birth, such as heart valves or holes in the heart’s chambers.

Does a heart specialist perform heart surgery?

No, only experienced cardiac surgeons perform heart surgery like open-heart surgery and bypass surgery.

Are there any non-invasive or minimally invasive cardiac procedures available in India?

Oh Yes! Our country does provide non-invasive and minimally invasive cardiac procedures. Consequently, you can avail angioplasty, stenting, and ablation therapy which are less risky and require shorter recovery times compared to open-heart surgery.

Do cardiac surgeons use robots for surgery?

Yes, of course, today robotic-assisted cardiac surgery is available in selected hospitals across India. Moreover, robotic heart surgery offers greater precision and smaller incisions. Therefore, resulting in faster recovery times and reduced scarring.

How many specializations are there in cardiology?

Cardiology, includes interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, echocardiography, and preventive cardiology specializations. Also, each specialization focuses on different aspects of heart health and treatment.

How do you check your heart health?

To check your heart health, take up regular check-ups with your doctor, adopt lifestyle changes like a healthy diet, exercise, and stress management.

How do heart specialists check for blocked arteries?

They take help from various diagnostic tests, such as electrocardiograms (EKGs), echocardiograms, stress tests, and cardiac CT scans, to check for blocked arteries.

What is a cardiologist?

A cardiologist specializes in diagnosing and treating heart conditions. Also, they are experts in the structure, function, and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

What conditions can a cardiologist treat?

Cardiologists are specialists who treat high blood pressure, heart failure, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, and valvular heart disease.

When should I see my cardiologist?

Symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, or unexplained fatigue, indicate heart problems. You should  consult a cardiologist if you see any of these signs.

What to expect at your first visit to a heart specialist?

The cardiologist will review your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and may order diagnostic tests to assess your heart health during your first visit.

What is the difference between a cardiologist and a heart surgeon?

Both these specialities concern heart health. However, cardiologists diagnose and treat heart conditions, while heart surgeons perform surgical procedures to address heart problems.

Who does open-heart surgery?

Experienced cardiac surgeons perform Open-heart surgery. Also, they are specialists and have training and expertise in performing complex procedures on the heart.

Which treatment is best for the heart?

Treatment for any heart condition will depend on the specific diagnosis and the patient’s needs. Therefore, a cardiologist will generally suggest the most appropriate treatment plan based on your circumstances.

Who is the best cardiologist in India?

India has many highly skilled cardiologists. However, the “best” cardiologist for you will depend on your specific needs, location, and personal preferences.

Can I prevent heart disease with lifestyle changes?

Yes,  of course you can. Everyone should adopt healthy lifestyle habits to reduce the risk of heart disease. Therefore, you must include a balanced diet, do regular exercise, manage stress, and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

What are some heart-healthy foods?

A well-balanced heart-healthy diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Also, one should limit the intake of saturated and trans fats, as well as sodium.

You must try to do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise during the week. You can include brisk walking, swimming, cycling, or dancing.

Can stress affect my heart health?

Yes, stress is one of the main causes of heart disease globally. Therefore, cardiologists suggest stress management techniques, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to help protect your heart.

What is a heart attack?

When the blood flow to the heart muscle is blocked due to a blood clot or other complexities, a heart attack occurs. Also, this can lead  to damage or death of heart tissue.

What are the symptoms of a heart attack?

The most tell-tale symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, pain in the arm, shoulder, neck, and jaw, or back. Also, they may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting, sweating, and lightheadedness.

What is atrial fibrillation?

In simple words, it is an irregular heart rhythm where the upper chambers of the heart (atria) beat rapidly and chaotically. Also, this rhythm can increase the risk of stroke and other complications.

How is atrial fibrillation treated?

Atrial fibrillation treatment typically includes medications, lifestyle changes, or in some cases, cardioversion or ablation.

What is a heart valve disorder?

This type of disorder occurs when one or more of the heart’s valves do not function properly. Consequently, leading to either leakage or narrowing.

How are heart valve disorders treated?

Heart valve disorders treatments may involve medications, lifestyle changes, or surgical procedures to repair or replace the affected valve.

Are there any heart conditions that affect children?

Yes, unfortunately, our little  children can develop various heart conditions, including congenital heart defects, cardiomyopathies, and arrhythmias.

When should I take my child to a cardiologist?

Contact a cardiologist as soon as you see any signs or symptoms of heart problems in your child. Symptoms may include excessive sweating, difficulty breathing, or abnormal heart rhythms.

How are congenital heart defects treated?

Advanced treatment care for congenital heart defects generally needs surgery, medications, or both. Treatments depend on the severity of the condition.

Can heart problems be prevented in children?

Unfortunately, we cannot prevent some congenital heart defects. However, if enough care is taken to maintain a healthy pregnancy and deliver the baby in hospital that provides neo natal care, it can reduce the risk of certain heart problems.

What does a pediatric cardiologist do?

Pediatric cardiologists are specialists in diagnosing and treating children with heart conditions. They are experts in taking up unique challenges and meeting the needs of heart care in children.