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Kidney specialist doctor and treatment for kidney cysts

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Treatment for kidney cysts by kidney specialist doctor

We should always have our basic right to understand the bigger picture clearly. Do you agree? So, to understand the treatment for kidney cysts by a kidney specialist doctor, we should understand first what kidney cysts are. Again, if you do not know what a kidney is, you will never clearly get what kidney cysts are. Moreover, you won’t understand the topic with clarity if you are not familiar with the term ‘cyst’. You will be wondering here and there. Let’s not wait more and drive back to our track toward knowing what a kidney is first.

Kidneys are a pair of an organ in the human body in the abdomen. This pair is responsible for removing wastes, and all other forms of toxin present in your body in the form of urine.

When the surface layer of the kidneys gets weaker, several pouch-like structures grow on the surface of this pair. This is nothing but a cyst. These cysts develop in either the kidneys or in both the bean-shaped organs of the human body. More clearly, a cyst is a sac-like structure with fluid in it. It is a pouch-like pocket of membranous tissue that contains liquid, air, or different substances. They can fill any place in your body or under your skin. It is of utmost necessity that you consult with a kidney specialist doctor if diagnosed with such a condition.

There are many types of kidney cysts.

Kidney cysts are the type of cysts that develops on the surface layer of the kidneys. In other words, these cysts are renal cysts. These kidney cysts are round or oval in shape. Doctors are still not capable of taking out the exact cause of this kind of cyst in the kidney or kidneys. If you are suffering from kidney cysts, kindly do not ignore this condition and look for a kidney specialist doctor immediately.

Simple kidney cyst is the most common type of pouch that develops in the kidneys of people who begin to age (nearly 50 years of age). Many cannot find the difference between polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and simple kidney disease and end up thinking both are the same. But, there is a fine line of difference between these two. Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is hereditary and it runs in families, generation after generation. But this is not the case for Simple Kidney Cysts. They are not hereditary.

A kidney specialist doctor treats these cysts in several ways but we will learn about a few of them.

To your surprise, simple kidney cysts do not come with any symptoms. They are often detected or diagnosed when a person seeks some sort of medical health care for some other disease. These cysts remain silent most of the time. But these sac-like structures can create problems and prevent you from functioning normally if they grow bigger and bursts. There is a possibility that the other organs inside your body might get a push due to enlargement of the kidneys (caused by expansion of cysts). When it happens in association with the break open of cysts, then you might feel some discomfort and observe certain symptoms like-

  • pain in the side, back, and upper abdomen
  • blood in the urine
  • urge to go to the washroom frequently
  • low flow of urine
  • fever

Whenever you face certain types of symptoms, you should seek help from a kidney specialist doctor as soon as possible. If you do not seek help from a kidney specialist doctor regarding your issue, you will get attached to several health complications later. Simple kidney cysts are treated by kidney specialist doctor in many ways. Also, a kidney specialist doctor prescribes treatments depending upon the type of cysts. Some of them are as follows-

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Also known as MRI in short, it is a medical procedure that uses magnetic fields to diagnose a disease or any kind of disorder in the human body.
  • An abdominal ultrasound.
  • CT scan

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