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Pregnancy Precautions During the First Trimester

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Pregnancy Precautions to be Taken During the First Trimester

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Pregnancy is the most wonderful phase of life for a couple. The planning and preparation, the anticipation of a missing period, and the nervousness when doing the pregnancy test at home are unique.  The whole experience and feeling of getting pregnant are very hard to explain in words. Also, only the mother understands that extraordinary feeling of something growing inside her body. The experience of a new life taking shape inside the body is truly extraordinary.

Once all the initial hoopla about the pregnancy gradually subsides, you will realize that it was just the beginning. Also, you feel several changes happening in your body. Additionally, this affects you mentally, physically, and psychologically. Therefore, you should take extra care of yourself during the first trimester of your pregnancy.  Also, sometimes, you may feel very low. However, these are the times when you need to be optimistic about your pregnancy. Always try to stay positive and boost your morale with positive activities. It is hugely important to take care of yourself. Also, monitor your activities because what you do will impact the development of the baby. So, let us check out the top precautions as recommended by the best gynaecologist, that you must take during the first trimester of your pregnancy.

What precautions to take during pregnancy?

  • Take the doctor’s appointment

The pregnancy test kit at home shows the positive test result, and you too notice the changes in your body and don’t doubt that you are pregnant. Next, you should get your pregnancy confirmed by a diagnostic centre . So, book an appointment with the gynaecologist. They will thoroughly examine your condition and confirm your pregnancy. They may ask you to get an ultrasound as visual proof of your pregnancy. A visit to the gynaecologist is important as they would suggest the best practices for the healthy development of the baby inside the womb. They would also inform you whether you are expecting a single baby or twins. A visit to the gynaecologist will enable you to speak to them openly about your pregnancy and what steps and precautions you must take during this period.

  • Take the prescribed vitamins

You may think that you are perfectly fine and you don’t need any kind of medicines. But your body needs the vital nutrients to prepare itself for carrying the developing baby for nine months. Moreover, even your baby needs vitamins to grow without any defects or deformations. Therefore, it is extremely important to take the prenatal vitamins that are prescribed by the gynaecologist. They generally prescribe folic acid tablets to prevent any birth defects in the foetus. The gynaecologist would also prescribe iron tablets to prevent pregnancy anaemia.

  • Quit smoking immediately

According to the best gynaecologist, smoking has harmful effects on the developing baby. It could lead to several complications in the baby, such as low immunity, miscarriage, below average weight during birth, premature births, and so on. Therefore, women need to quit smoking immediately if they wish to seek a healthy baby. Not just the woman, even the partner should avoid or stop smoking when they wish to have a baby.

  • Say no to alcohol

According to a gynaecologist, just like smoking, even alcohol is harmful to the developing baby. During pregnancy, the womb gets its nutrients from whatever the mother eats. So, when you intake alcohol, it finds its way to the baby as well. Therefore, quit alcohol immediately when you become pregnant for a healthy baby. Experts say that alcohol severely affects brain development in the foetus. Therefore, it is better to leave alcohol than to have a baby with an underdeveloped or deformed brain.

  • Restrict your caffeine intake

If you drink coffee regularly, then you must cut down on your caffeine intake. Consumption of caffeine greatly increases the chances of miscarriage during pregnancy, as it greatly disturbs your nervous system and causes restlessness, anxiety, and irritability. Some doctors can allow mild quantities of caffeine intake, but it is better to avoid caffeine altogether if you want a healthy baby.

These are the important precautions that you must take during the first trimester of your pregnancy. If you are seeking a trusted diagnostic centre, then you must visit Apollo Clinic today.


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