Liver disease is a general term that refers to any condition affecting your liver. These conditions may develop for different reasons, but they c...
Endoscopy tests, types & treatments
Endoscopy is the insertion of a long, thin tube directly into the body to observe an internal organ or tissue in detail. Additionally, it carries...
Dyspnea or shortness of breath after eating : Causes
Reasons for Dyspnea or shortness of breath after eating  Shortness of breath after eating is common among people who are facing problems like hea...
Hemodialysis: Important things to know
Hemodialysis is essentially a treatment to filter the water and waste from the blood. This effectively takes place in the kidneys when healthy. T...
Nephrology Vs Urology: What’s the Difference?
The difference between the two professions Nephrology and Urology lies in the subtle but significant difference between the two fields. Also, the...
Thyroid Disease & its association with Frozen Shoulder
Thyroid disease results from problems in the thyroid gland or due to over or underproduction of thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones influence ...
Erectile dysfunction treatment & diagnosis for ED
In India, talking about sexual disability is more of a taboo. However, the reality is, it can occur to anyone no matter what gender. Also, having...
Cervical cancer – 5 Things to know to Reduce the Risk.
Among all the types of cancer, cervical cancer is easily preventable. Yet, women are unaware of the precautionary measures that can drastically r...
Hydrocephalus: A Neurological Condition and its Treatments
Hydrocephalus is a rare medical condition where the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pools within the brain, causing brain damage. It is popular as “wa...
Best gynaecologist in guwahati, For Natural child Birth !
Best gynaecologist in guwahati, Ever seen a pregnant woman seemingly doing well during natural childbirth? She is already a mother and knew what ...