Urinary tract infections are one of the most common causes for visits to the doctor, especially so for women as they are more prone to the infection than men. The infection can be in any part of the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, the urethra, bladder, and the uterus.
UTI is caused by bacterial infections that overpower the body’s defenses to attack the urinary system. This can cause severe pain and other tell-tale symptoms which, when tackled early on, can avoid serious complications.
Symptoms and causes
The main cause of the Urinary tract infections is when bacteria find their way into the urinary system and multiply. Although the body is equipped with proper defenses but due to certain conditions the immunity may be compromised, enabling the vicious infection to thrive.
The symptoms of UTI are varied, although back pain, burning during urination, urgent and frequent need to urinate, strong pungent odor, fluctuating body temperatures with chills and sweating, and blood in the urine, with pink, orange or red urine are all signs of UTI. Fluctuating body temperature is usually an indication that the infection has reached the kidneys. In such extreme and advanced cases with the presence of blood in urine, it is imperative to find the best nephrologist doctor for immediate treatments and solutions.
Types of UTI
There are three types of UTI and they occur at different parts of the urinary system in the body.
Cystitis occurs in the bladder and is painful in the lower back area; accompanied by pain during urination. The urine may contain traces of blood; sexual intercourse is oftentimes the culprit, although this may occur in women who aren’t sexually active as well.
Pyelonephritis occurs when the infection has reached the kidney and is dangerous. Hence, it should be treated immediately. This infection is accompanied by acute changes in body temperature, with chills and sweating alongside debilitating pain in the upper back on both sides.
Urethritis is when the infection is in the urethra and it causes discharge with burning and pain during urination. UTI has been treated with antibiotics; the different medications that the doctor prescribes will depend on the type of bacterial infection. The treatments are usually for a week or two weeks, depending on the severity of the infection, and in extreme cases, hospitalization is crucial for recovery. Finding the best gynecologist and at other locations is the best way forward for uncomplicated infections.